
Showing posts from April, 2021

gehobener Dialog

-Hey Schrotti, wie geht's mit dem Arbeitslosengeld nach so langem ununterbrochenem Arbeiten?Nicht mal vom Schlaf, oder...? -Heee, geht so, seit langem nicht bekommen, aber das Leben geht weiter:)) -Du ewige Buerde, hoffe, dass du das durchmachst... -Ohne irreparablen Schäden, meinst....??
Rhöner Zwiebelploatz Der Zwiebelplaotz ist ein deftiger Blechkuchen auf Roggenbrotteigbasis, der traditionell in den alten Backhäusern gebacken wurde. Dafür wurde die Restwärme der Backöfen nach dem Brotbacken genutzt. Tipp: Der Ploatz kann auch mit Kürbis, Birne und Walnuss oder Kartoffeln belegt werden. 8 Portionen Zutaten: 400 g Roggenmehl 20 g Roggensauerteig 150 ml Wasser 5 mittelgroße Zwiebeln 200 g Rhönschafschinken 100 ml flüssige Butter + Butter zum Anbraten der Zwiebeln Kreuzkümmel Pfeffer Zubereitung: Aus dem Roggenmehl, dem Roggensauerteig und Wasser einen Brotteig kneten und gehen lassen. Backofen auf 200 Grad vorheizen. Anschließend den Teig auf einem gefetteten Blech 1 cm dick ausrollen. Die Zwiebeln abziehen und in Ringe schneiden. Butter in einer Pfanne zerlassen, die Zwiebelringe darin dünsten bis sie glasig sind und auf dem Teig verteilen. Den Rhönschafschinken in feine Würfel schneiden und auf das Blech streuen. ...
Rhöner Mehlklöße mit buntem Gemüsecurry Die Rhöner Mehlklöße oder „Spatzeklöß“ sind ein traditionelles Gericht, die gewöhnlich mit Lauchsoße gegessen werden. Wir testen eine neue Variante- mit buntem Gemüsecurry. Tipp: Die Mehlklöße können nicht nur deftig, sondern auch süß mit Apfelmus serviert werden. Den Löffel im Wasser erhitzen, damit sich der Teig besser vom Löffel löst. 6 Portionen Zutaten: 400 g Mehl Ca. 250 ml Milch 4 mittelgroße Eier Salz Muskat 30 g Butter zum Anbraten Für das Curry: 30 g Kokosfett 2 Knoblauchzehen 2 mittelgroße Zwiebeln 20 g Ingwer 1 gehäufter EL rote Currypaste 300 g Kürbis, z.B. Hokkaido 180 g Karotten 150 g grüne Bohnen 200 g Zucchini 200 g kleine Tomaten 400 ml Kokosmilch Salz Pfeffer Zubereitung: Mehl, Milch, Eier, Salz und Muskat zu einem glatten Teig verrühren. (Der Teig sollte schwer vom Löffel fallen) Einen großen Topf mit Salzwasser zum Kochen brin...
Rhöner Apfel-Schmand Kuchen Streuobstwiesen gehören zum Rhöner Landschaftsbild und alte Apfelsorten in die Rhöner Küche. Das Besondere an diesem Kuchen ist, die Kombination von Obst und Schmand, daraus entsteht ein einzigartiger Apfel-Käsekuchen. Tipp: Nach dem Backen kann man den Kuchen noch mit Quitten- oder Holunderblüten-Gelee bestreichen, das lässt die Äpfel glänzen und verstärkt den Geschmack. 12 Portionen Zutaten 300 g Mehl 100 g Zucker 25 g Vanillezucker 1 mittelgroßes Ei 20 ml Milch 200 g kalte Butter in Stückchen 1 Prise Zimt 1 Prise Salz 750 g säuerliche Äpfel (z.B. Boskop) 50 ml Zitronensaft 500 ml Milch 1 Vanillepuddingpulver 250 g Quark 400 g Schmand 100 g Zucker 2 mittelgroße Eier Zubereitung: Mehl, Zucker, Vanillezucker, Ei, Milch, Butter, Zimt und Salz zu einem Mürbeteig verkneten, in Frischhaltefolie wickeln und für ca. 60 Minuten im Kühlschrank kaltstellen. Die Äpfel vierteln, schälen und...

10. the decade from 1890 to 1899 Your answer: shindy shindy means "a large and noisy party of people" The correct answer was?? nineties??Are you sure not the eighties

10. the decade from 1890 to 1899 Your answer: shindy shindy means "a large and noisy party of people" The correct answer was nineties 11. concern with things of the spirit Your answer: otherworldliness 12. a grotesque black doll Your answer: golliwogg 13. suffuse with color Your answer: tinge 14. take exception to Your answer: gainsay 15. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons Your answer: shelter
There is fiction in the space between The lines on your page of memories Write it down but it doesn't mean You're not just telling stories There is fiction in the space between You and reality You will do and say anything To make your everyday life Seem less mundane There is fiction in the space between You and me There's a science fiction in the space between You and me A fabrication of a grand scheme Where I am the sca ry monster I eat the city and as I leave the scene In my spaceship I am laughing In your remembrance of your bad dream There's no one but you standi ng Leave the pity and the blame For the ones who do not speak You write the words to get respect and compassion And for posterity You write the words and make believe There is truth in the space between There is fiction in the space between You and everybody Give us all what we need Give us one more sad sordid story But in the fiction of the space between Sometimes a lie is the best thing Sometimes a l...

you still can't find work---OMG

You got a fast car We go cruising to entertain ourselves You still ain't got a job And I work in the market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You'll find work and I'll get promoted We'll move out of the shelter Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs I remember we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone You got a fast car I got a job that pays all our bills You stay out drinking late at the bar See more of your friends than you do of your kids I'd always hoped for better Thought maybe together you and me'd find it I got no plans I ain't going nowhere So take your fast car and keep on driving I remember when we were driving driving in your car Speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice ...

Tracy old pal in times of trouble...sorry is all that you can say???

You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Any place is better Starting from zoo got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me, myself, I got nothing to prove You got a fast car I got a plan to get us outta here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money Won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living See, my old man's got a problem He live with the bottle, that's the way it is He says his body's too old for working His body's too young to look like his My mama went off and left him She wanted more from life than he could give I said somebody's got to take care of him…
Bon-___, sweet trifle = Bon Gem = Jewel Banjul is the capital of The Gambia.

al at

Gore, Vice-President under Bill Clinton = Al ____ at, makes fun of= Jeers Algiers is the capital of Algieria.


Das Reich von Babylon nennt man Babylonien. Man kennt es heute als wichtige Hochkultur. Die Stadt Babylon wurde vor über 4000 Jahren gegründet. Sie lag am Fluss Euphrat, achtzig Kilometer südlich der heutigen Stadt Bagdad.

Iran ---Persia

Iraq and Jordan---Babylon Lebanon, Liban, Syria, Turkey...Mesopotamia????

Iraq was not the only Babylonian state I 'm afraid, from what I recall frm the history courses in junior high

1. What two countries are separated by the Khyber Pass? Correct Answer: Pakistan and Afghanistan - You were incorrect ( 63% got it correct ) The Khyber Pass is very treacherous and the US will probably not choose to use it to send troops into Afghanistan. 2. What American city was once the capital of a Russian territory? Correct Answer: Sitka, Alaska - You get partial credit - 2nd try ( 51% got it correct ) The Russians made Sitka the center of trade, for the fur of Sea Otters. Sitka's residents enjoyed theater, fine wines and many other riches. After depleting the sea of otters, the Russians sold Alaska to the Americans in 1867. 3. The Palace of Knossos (ruins) is on what island in the Mediterranean? Correct Answer: Crete - You were correct. ( 75% got it correct ) The site at Knossos, Greece, includes the Palace of Knossos, the Minoan Houses, the 'Little Palace', the 'Royal Villa', the villa 'Dionysos' with famous Roman mosaics, the sout...
1. The winter solstice is celebrated in many parts of the world, but in this small landlocked country at the eastern end of the Himalayas, bordered by India and China, it is officially celebrated on January 2 rather than in late December. In what country are we starting our holiday tour? Correct Answer: Bhutan - You were incorrect ( 93% got it correct ) Yes, it's Bhutan, the Land of the Thunder Dragon, where Nyilo is a public holiday on July 2. While most people think of Bhutan as being a mountain country, it actually has quite a variety of geographic regions, including subtropical plains in the southern part of the country, and the temperate highlands in the middle were most of the settled population lives. Many endangered species can be found in Bhutan, and the country has been proactive in establishing widespread conservation areas. 2. While others celebrate the Chinese New Year, I'm in Ho Chi Minh City celebrating Tet, on the same day. I love to visit the Municipal T...
Also known as the Land of the Midnight Sun, Norway has a substantial portion of its landmass north of the Arctic Circle, enjoying 24 hours of daylight during the summer days and perpetual darkness in the winter. While often cited as the northernmost point of central Europe, Nordkapp is situated on an island and the actual northernmost point of the continent is called Cape Nordkinn, a significant distance further to the east.
The Taj Mahal is one of the world's most famous tombs, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jehan to hold the body of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, beside whom he was later buried himself. It is considered to be one of the finest examples of Mughal architecture to be found. Bollywood is the term used to refer to India's thriving film industry. The name was coined to combine the name of Bombay (previous name of the city of Mumbai where the industry is located) and Hollywood, centre of the American film industry. Diwali is celebrated during five days in October or November. The date changes from year to year, because it must include the new moon night that occurs between mid-October and mid-November. Celebrations involve lighting of oil lamps and colourful street lanterns to celebrate the triumph of good over evil in several Hindu stories.


The name Canada comes from the word Kanata, an Iroquois word for settlement. As well as being the world's second-largest country (second to Russia), Canada shares the world's longest land border with its neighbour, the United States. A day of thanksgiving (for the harvest season which is coming to a close) has been celebrated on the second Monday in October, providing a long weekend for the celebration, since 1967. In the French-speaking province of Quebec, the day is referred to as Jour de l'Action de grace.


The Grand Canyon, carved out by the Colorado River, is found in the south-western state of Arizona. Yellowstone National Park, established as the United States' first national park in 1872, is located mostly in the northern state of Wyoming, but parts of it are in the nearby states of Montana and Idaho. It contains some of the world's best-known geothermal features, including the geyser Old Faithful. (Visiting Old Faithful as a child, I remember being quite disappointed, as it is far from being the most spectacular geyser in the park. It is, however, incredibly predictable in its release of steam, hence its name.) The Everglades is a large wetland area in the south-eastern state of Florida.

the ornitoring

Sydney is Australia's largest city, and the one that is probably best known internationally. While you are in Sydney, a ferry trip across the harbour from near the Opera House to Taronga Park Zoo on the North Shore will give you a chance to see examples of the native fauna - there are lots of other marsupials besides the kangaroo and the koala, not to mention the world's only monotremes (the platypus and echidna, egg-laying mammals), and a whole lot of venomous spiders and snakes. ANZAC Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the battle of Gallipoli, in which many Australian soldiers lost their lives. ANZAC is an acronym which stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

Watzmann auch....

Much of Germany's geography is characterized by many hilly regions locally called "Mittelgebirge" (literally "medium mountains"). They are all forested areas, mostly deciduous, and the highest peaks are typically between 800 and 1400 meters (2500 to 4000 feet). Higher mountains can be found only in the very south of Germany, in the Alps, with the highest German peak being the 2962 meters (9718 feet) Zugspitze.


SEPA-Last­schrift­ver­fah­ren mit 3% Skonto-9 Eu der Lebertran Hierzu benötigen wir ein ausgefülltes und unterschriebenes SEPA-Lastschriftmandat für wiederkehrende Zahlungen im Original. Dieses Formular finden Sie an der aktuellen Rechnung. Sofern Sie uns ein SEPA-Mandat erteilen, erfolgt die Zahlung per Einzug von Ihrem Bankkonto. Die Lastschrift wird 5 Bankarbeitstage nach Rechnungsdatum eingezogen. Der Besteller versichert, dass das angegebene Bankkonto eine hinreichende Deckung aufweist.

b vit. help u gain weight:))

Vitamin D und gesunde Zähne Das Forscher-Team analysierte Bluttests und Zahndaten von über11.000 Teilnehmern der Nationalen Gesundheits- und Ernährungsuntersuchung. Genauer gesagt, sie suchten nach der Blutserum-Konzentration von Vitamin D und den damit zusammenhängenden Zahnverlusten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten einen deutlichen Zusammenhang zwischen niedrigen Vitamin D-Leveln und einem erhöhten Risiko von Zahnverlust aufgrund von Wurzelerkrankungen. Muskelgesundheit hängt stark von Vitamin-D-Einnahme ab In der zweiten Studie der Tufts-Wissenschaftler fanden die Forscher heraus, dass es einen speziellen Hauptempfänger im Muskelgewebe gibt, der das Muskelzellenwachstum erleichtert, wenn die Vitamin D-Werte hoch sind. Seniorin massiert ihre Beine auf der Couch Ein Forschungsteam aus Tufts Universität (USA) hat eine positive Wirkung von Vitamin D auf Beinmuskeln bei älteren Menschen festgestellt. © britta60 - Fotolia 4100 Teilnehmer zwischen 60 und 90 Jahren wurden untersucht, um Vitamin ...
Besteht die Gefahr einer Vitamin-A-Vergiftung? Das Vitamin A zählt zu den Vitaminen, bei denen eine Überdosierung schädlich sein kann. Denn sie führt zu einer Reduzierung der Knochendichte, was Osteoporose und Hüftbrüche nach sich zieht. Leberveränderungen Haarverlust den bestimmten neurologischen Problemen Geburtsschäden und zahlreichen anderen negativen Folgen auftreten. Gleichzeitig ein Multivitaminpräparat und Lebertran zu nehmen kann gefährlich sein Wenn Sie zusätzlich zu einem Multivitaminpräparat mit einem hohen Anteil an Vitamin A oder einer Vitamin-A-reichen Ernährung Lebertran einnehmen, kann schon eine kleine tägliche Dosis Ihr persönliches Risiko einer Vitamin-A-Vergiftung anheben.
4100 Teilnehmer zwischen 60 und 90 Jahren wurden untersucht, um Vitamin D-Werte und Beinfunktionen zu vergleichen. Nachdem die Wissenschaftler auch statistische Daten, wie Alter und körperliche Aktivität, verglichen hatten, fanden sie heraus, dass sowohl körperlich aktive als auch inaktive Menschen mit den höchsten Vitamin D-Werten auch über die bessere Leistungsfähigkeit der Beinmuskeln verfügten. Andere Vorteile von Vitamin-D-reichem Lebertran Beide Studien helfen, vorherige Berichte zu unterstützen, dass eine adäquate Vitamin D-Einnahme wichtig ist, umdie Muskeln stark und das Zahnfleisch gesund zu halten. Aber es gibt noch weitere Studienergebnisse über Vitamin D. Hier sind einige Vorteile, die Ihnen eine ausreichende Vitamin D-Einnahme bringen kann: Winterdepressionen können durch hohe Dosen von Vitamin D deutlich reduziert werden. In einer Studie, die den Zusammenhang zwischen Vitamin D-Leveln und Insulin-Sensibilität untersuchte, stellten die Wissenschaftler fest, das...
Was bringt Lebertran Ihrer Gesundheit? Nachdem er jahrelang aus den Regalen der Apotheken und Drogeriemärkte verschwunden war, erlebt der Lebertran inzwischen wieder ein Comeback, insbesondere während der lichtarmen Wintermonate. Lebertran kann nicht nur vor Osteoporose schützen, Studien aus Ländern wie beispielsweise Norwegen, in denen die Einnahme von Lebertran nach wie vor verbreitet ist, zeigen auch, dass er wirkungsvoll Depressionen entgegenwirkt. Fischöl bietet viele Vorteile für die Gesundheit. Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich noch daran, dass es früher gang und gäbe war, täglich einen Löffel Lebertran einzunehmen. Sollten Sie das vielleicht für sich auch in Erwägung ziehen? Für die meisten Menschen ist Lebertran allerdings nicht empfehlenswert. Es ist – ebenso wie andere Arten von Fischöl – reich an Omega-3-Fettsäuren, denen viele Vorteile für das Herz-Kreislauf-System sowie für die Gesundheit insgesamt nachgesagt werden. Allerdings enthält Lebertran (vom Kabeljau) genau wie das...


Was macht Lebertran so gesund? Lebertran ist leicht verdaulich und enthält: Omega-3-Fettsäuren Jod Phosphor Vitamin E Vitamin A Vitamin D. Der hohe Gehalt an Vitamin D macht Lebertran zu einem hervorragenden Mittel zur Vorbeugung von Rachitis. Es wird auch zur allgemeinen Stärkung, zur Vorbeugung von Kinderkrankheiten und bei Unterernährung empfohlen und wurde bis zur Mitte des letzten Jahrhunderts vielen Kindern täglich zwecks Prävention eingeflößt. Sein fischiger, leicht ranziger Geschmack ist gewöhnungsbedürftig, was dazu beigetragen haben dürfte, dass Lebertran mittlerweile auch in Kapselform verkauft wird. Man kann Lebertran einfachin einer Apotheke oder einem Drogeriemarkt kaufen. Die Inhaltsstoffe des Lebertrans sind auch als Teil einiger Fertigpräparate und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel erhältlich. ACHTUNG: Eine Überdosierung sollte aufgrund des hohen Gehalts an Vitamin A und D vermieden werden – im Übermaß genossen, können diese gesundheitsschädlich sei...

Woerthersee...Fotos von Maria O.

Manfred of Sicily "I tow'rds him turn'd, and with fix'd eye beheld. / Comely, and fair, and gentle of aspect, / He seem'd, but on one brow a gash was mark'd. / When humbly I disclaim'd to have beheld / Him ever: "Now behold!" he said, and show'd / High on his breast a wound: then smiling spake. / "I am Manfredi, grandson to the Queen / Costanza" (III, 106-113) Manfred (1232-1266) was King of Sicily from 1258 until his death. During his life he was excommunicated by three different Popes due to his participation in the conflict between the Papacy and the Hohenstaufen (his) dynasty. Excommunication refers to removal/shunning from the communion and practices of the religious community. Manfred was killed during the Battle of Benevento when he refused to flee and instead rushed into the fray. As an excommunicate, Manfred must wait at the base of Purgatory for a period 30 times as long as his excommunication. Considering he was an excom...
Frühstück in Wien - ohne eine Kaisersemmel mit goldbrauner Krume?
Von Josef Ganz stammen die Entwürfe, das grundlegende technische Konzept, der Name und der Spitzname des Kleinwagens. Aber: Er war Jude und musste aus Deutschland fliehen, bevor er den Ruhm für seine bahnbrechende Erfindung ernten konnte. Sein Name wurde aus der Geschichte des Käfers getilgt - heute ist er fast völlig vergessen. Er war verrückt nach Autos, ein brillanter Ingenieur, ein scharfzüngiger Automobil-Journalist, und er schreckte nicht davor zurück, die Beschränkungen seiner Zeit zu durchbrechen. Josef Ganz lebte für Autos. Er hatte einen Traum: ein kleines, sicheres und erschwingliches Auto für das Volk, ein Werkzeug der Freiheit, das den Massen die Welt eröffnet. Dass er Jude war, wäre eine unbedeutende Tatsache geblieben, wenn er nicht ausgerechnet in Nazideutschland gelebt hätte. Er war der Mastermind hinter dem VW-Käfer; die Anerkennung dafür wurde ihm allerdings ein Leben lang verwehrt. Er starb 1967 völlig verarmt in Australien. Lorenz Schmidt und Paul Schilperoord (s...
Was the formation and rise of the Labour Party inevitable? 82 comments While the Labour Party was making progress, including in council elections, its continued dependence on the Liberal pact was evident in the two elections fought in 1910. While the Party increased its number of MPs to 40 in January and 42 in December only two of these had been elected in a contest involving a Liberal candidate. Labour also faced a challenge as New Liberalism (which we will discuss in more detail next week) sought to win working class voters with measures like the National Insurance Act 1911, offering the prospect of material improvements to working class conditions without the socialist encumberments that were not widely popular. Labour also faced the prospect of losing what little middle class support it had as the effects of the strike wave of 1910 to 1914 caused widespread disruption. Finally, we have to remember that in spite of the Second and Third Reform Acts many working class men did still n...
Three Judgments that forged the Labour Party Case One: Lyons v. Wilkins (1899) In the case of Lyons v Wilkins, the Court of Appeal issued an injunction against the Society of Fancy Leather Workers from picketing their employer’s workshop. This ruling threatened to reverse the 1876 Trade Union Act which had permitted picketing in industrial disputes. This lent urgency to the argument that the unions needed independent Labour representatives in Parliament. In response, the Trades Union Congress voted by 546,000 to 434,000 to meet with representatives of socialist societies, like the Fabians, with a view to forming a Labour Representation Committee. This body, established in February 1900, was created to run Labour candidates in the next general election. Union support was limited at first, with just 10 out of over 1300 unions affiliating. Even among its supporters there was a tendency to view the LRC as another pressure group instead of a potential party of government. As a result the ...
Blatchford, The Clarion and Merrie England 73 comments Born in 1851, Robert Peel Blatchford, named after the Conservative Prime Minister, was one of the most influential socialist writers in British history. Blatchford, just two years old when his father died, was raised by his working mother, an actress, who apprenticed her sons to tradesmen. Aged 14, Robert was indentured for seven years to a brush-maker in Halifax. After six years he ran away and joined the army. Blatchford left the army in 1878, took a job as a timekeeper and married Sarah Crossley, whom he had met 13 years before at the Halifax brush shop. Looking to augment his meagre income he began to write for several provincial newspapers before becoming a full-time journalist with the Sunday Chronicle in 1887. Among his early stories were reports of the terrible conditions in the Manchester slums, an experience that was crucial to the development of Blatchford’s socialism. Ethical Socialism Blatchford is representative of t...
Public Health While Factory and Mine legislation was essential to addressing the terrible exploitation and working conditions faced by the industrial working class and educational reform was essential to improving their children’s opportunities, the most urgent problem that required State intervention was public health. Industrial cities in nineteenth century Britain were deadly. The population of England, Wales and Scotland had doubled in the first half of the nineteenth century, from 10.5 to 20.8 million. Much of this increase was concentrated in the growing industrial cities. Between 1801 and 1851 the population of Glasgow grew from 77,000 to 357,000; Liverpool, 82,000 to 376,000; Manchester, 75,000 to 303,000; and Bradford, 13,000 to 104,000. Even in an age of enlightened and well-regulated urban planning these increases would have been difficult to manage, in the early nineteenth century they resulted in appalling overcrowding, shoddy housing, inadequate sanitation, disease and t...
Education In this video Dr Claire Kennan discusses the expansion of the State’s role in providing elementary education for its citizens, from grants and inspections to the formation of School Boards with the power to raise funds through local rates to establish their own schools. This video ends with Forster’s landmark Education Act of 1870 but other important late nineteenth and early twentieth century milestones included: Education Act 1881 Building on the Education Act passed in 1876 that established School Attendance Committees, designed to encourage parents to send their children to school, the 1881 Act made attendance at elementary schools compulsory for all children aged 5-10. School fees, typically three pence a week, still presented a barrier for many poorer families. The Fee Grant Act 1891 This Act, in practice, made elementary education free. The Education Act 1902 Also known as the Balfour Education Act, this legislation abolished the School Boards and made county and borou...
According to the Webbs, within a year after the Dockers’ strike how many had joined trade unions? 50,000 100,000 200,000 Correct
While the 1889 Dockers’ Strike was a triumph for the ‘New Unions’, it proved difficult to replicate its success in the 1890s. As the country moved into another economic depression it was the unskilled who tended to be the first to be laid off and strikes became less effective when high unemployment guaranteed the availability of ‘black-leg’ labour. When dockers and seamen at Hull attempted to reproduce the success of the London dockers in 1893 the strike failed dramatically. As The Times reported, “At Hull, as elsewhere, the New Unionism has been defeated, but nowhere has the defeat been so decisive, or the surrender so abject.”
In 1871 the Liberals passed the Trade Union Act which recognised unions as legal entities with the right to strike and to have their funds protected by law. This was an important step forward but partially undermined by The Criminal Law Amendment Act of the same year which made picketing illegal. Further progress came with the next Conservative government, which introduced the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875, which made peaceful picketing legal, and the Employers and Workmen Act 1876, which put employers and employees on an equal legal footing in cases of breaches of contract.

Trade Unions

In 1871 the Liberals passed the Trade Union Act which recognised unions as legal entities with the right to strikes and to have their funds protected by law. This was an important step forward but partially undermined by The Criminal Law Amendment Act of the same year which made picketing illegal. Further progress came with the next Conservative government, which introduced the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875, which made peaceful picketing legal, and the Employers and Workmen Act 1876, which put employers and employees on an equal legal footing in cases of breaches of contract.
In October 1833, a friendly society of agricultural labourers was founded in Tolpuddle, Dorset by the local Methodist lay preacher and farm worker, George Loveless. So it’s aim was to secure for its members a fair pay for their labour, which had been depressed by the increasing mechanisation of agriculture. Societies like the Tolpuddle Friendly Society have been springing up across the country, part of a widespread movement aiming to unionise unskilled agricultural labourers. Lord Melbourne, the Home Secretary, while remembering the recent Swing Riots, was hostile towards this development and supported the local magistrate who arrested Loveless and five other associates on charges of administering illegal oaths, prohibited by an act of 1797. 0:51 Skip to 0 minutes and 51 seconds In the rushed and rigged trial that followed presided over by Melbourne’s brother-in-law, the six men were convicted and transported to Australia. The result was a public outcry with the Tolpuddle men being de...

From radicalism reforms....

Owen believed that people were a product of their environment, which for most industrial labourers was dire. Conditions in early factories were extremely harsh and often hazardous; 13-hour days, six days a week were not uncommon; and children worked under the same conditions as adults. Owen also argued that it was the duty of manufacturers like him to improve this environment. To put this principle to the test, Owen turned New Lanark into a grand social experiment, enlarging factories to improve working conditions; reducing working hours; and building new cottages, schools, parks and other amenities for his workers. Owen’s factory complex also included one of the first adult night schools to be created. The Morality of Owenism While Owen was a paternalistic employer, he was still a businessman looking to make a profit. It was from these profits that all the improvements he advocated were to be funded. To achieve this, he sought increased productivity from a workforce already working ex...
Mozart most commonly called himself Wolfgang Amadé or Wolfgang Gottlieb. His father, Leopold, came from a family of good standing (from which he was estranged), which included architects and bookbinders. Leopold was the author of a famous violin-playing manual, which was published in the very year of Mozart’s birth. His mother, Anna Maria Pertl, was born of a middle-class family active in local administration. Mozart and his sister Maria Anna (“Nannerl”) were the only two of their seven children to survive.
Mozart was fond of billiards and often played alone as on this occasion. He was careful of his health and had been advised by his physician to ride; but he could not acquire a taste for the exercise - Hence the sale of his horse. The primus was his valet, a servant found in every Viennese household at the time. Out of the door through which he stepped on beginning his walk to the theatre his funeral procession passed two months later.) 172. "I have done more work during the ten days that I have lived here than in two months in any other lodgings; and if it were not that I am too often harassed by gloomy thoughts which I can dispel only by force, I could do still more, for I live pleasantly, comfortably and cheaply." (Vienna, June 27, 1788, to his friend Puchberg.) 173. "I have no conveniences for writing there (i.e. at Baden), and I want to avoid embarrassments as much as possible. Nothing is more enjoyable than a quiet life and to obtain that one must be industrious...