You got 9 correct out of 10.
1. A: Are you saying I have a big nose?
B: _____________ your facial features are very well proportioned.
What I meant was
I'm afraid that just isn't true
Let's get this straight
I've no idea who told you that
2. A: I can hardly see through the windows.
B: Are you saying my apartment is filthy?
A: ____________. The windows need cleaning.
I'm afraid that just isn't true
The fact of the matter
Let's get this straight
Let me rephrase what I just said
3. A: I thought you said that you didn't like my project idea.
B: I'm sorry. _______________. What I meant was that we need more time to think about it.
The fact of the matter is
What I mean was
If I said that, I didn't mean to
4. A: You told us to take the boxes out to the recycling bin.
B: No, you misunderstood. _________________. I said to keep them, in case we needed to store some equipment.
The fact of the matter
That's not what I said at all
Let me put it another way
I'm afraid that just isn't true
5. A: ____________ I wanted to quit. I love working here, and I have no intention of leaving.
B: Sally must have misunderstood you. I'm glad you will be staying.
If I said that, I didn't mean to
Let's get this straight
I've no idea who told you that
Let me put it another way
6. A: The committee has the final say on which charities we will be supporting this year.
B: _______________. As president of this company, I have the final say.
Let me rephrase that
I'm afraid that just isn't true
What I meant was
The fact of the matter is
7. The company is running at a deficit. At this rate, we will go bankrupt within a year. ___________ we need to cut costs to return to profitability.
The fact of the matter is
Let me rephrase what I just said
Let's get this straight
I'm afraid that just isn't true
8. A: Are you making fun of my technique?
B: Well, ___________. If you use better technique, it will make your job easier.
let's get this straight
let me put it another way
I'm afraid that just isn't true
the fact of the matter is
9. A: Could you also do the dishes, please?
B: _____________. You want me to clean my room, paint the fence, mow the grass, take out the trash, finish my homework, and do the dishes, too?
Let me rephrase what I just said
The fact of the matter is
Let's get this straight
What I meant was
10. Which of these two sentences is more polite?
That's not true.
I'm afraid that just isn't true.
Zur Rezeption von Franz Kafka und Samuel Beckett in Rumänien
Receptarea lui Franz Kafka şi a lui Samuel Beckett în România Abstract Teoria receptării a înregistrat în ultimii ani o dezvoltare impresionantă, astfel încăt s-au putut trasa linii generale de descriere a unei direcţii de receptare în conformitate cu anumite tipologii estetice care marchează receptarea literară la nivel de receptor cult şi instruit. Acestea sunt premisele principale de la care porneşte cercetătorul în căutarea sa de modele şi modalităţi literare de receptare. S-a vorbit astfel de patologii de receptare, de estetica personajului şi nu în ultimul rănd de o receptare critică a operei literare. Sarcina cu care se confruntă cercetătorul în demersul său este de a descoperi în ce măsură opera examinată capătă caracter normativ la nivelul unui grup de receptori care aderă la stilul, forma şi limbajul literar al autorului receptat. Franz Kafka şi Samuel Beckett se integrează în categoria scriitorilor emblematici ai modernităţii şi drept urmare am considerat că un stud...