1. Choose the correct answer.
Hey, Alex. How are you doing?
Hey, Alex. How are doing?
Hey, Alex. How's you going?
2. Choose the correct answer.
Welcome back. How was your vacation?
Welcome back. How is your vacation?
Welcome back. How your vacation?
3. Choose the correct compliment.
Nice cut of hair you have.
Nice haircut.
Haircut nice.
4. Choose the correct observation.
Shirt new?
New shirt?
Shirt red?
Longer questions that are possible: Is that a new shirt? Is that shirt new? (for short observations, it's usually better to put the adjective first. New tie? Strong coffee? Good weekend? Etc.)
5. Choose the grammatically correct question.
Have you read about the discovery?
Have you read for the discovery?
Have you read in the discovery?
6. Choose the grammatically correct question.
Have you see any Oscar-nominated movies from this year?
Have you seeing any Oscar-nominated movies from this year?
Have you seen any Oscar-nominated movies from this year?
7. Do you know __________________________?
if the printer's been fixed yet?
if the printer been fixed yet?
if the printer's been fix yet?
8. What do you think __________________________?
about new attendance police?
about the new attendance policy?
about new attendance policy?
9. Choose the grammatically correct question.
Did you hear about Jason?
Did you heard about Jason?
Did you listen about Jason?
Always use the base verb when the auxiliary verb is do, does, don't, doesn't, did, or didn't.
10. Hey, did you hear that Alex's EngVid page has over 200 free lessons?
Oh no! That's the worst!
Oh no! I'm so sorry!
What? No way!
Have a great day, everyone! :)
Zur Rezeption von Franz Kafka und Samuel Beckett in Rumänien
Receptarea lui Franz Kafka şi a lui Samuel Beckett în România Abstract Teoria receptării a înregistrat în ultimii ani o dezvoltare impresionantă, astfel încăt s-au putut trasa linii generale de descriere a unei direcţii de receptare în conformitate cu anumite tipologii estetice care marchează receptarea literară la nivel de receptor cult şi instruit. Acestea sunt premisele principale de la care porneşte cercetătorul în căutarea sa de modele şi modalităţi literare de receptare. S-a vorbit astfel de patologii de receptare, de estetica personajului şi nu în ultimul rănd de o receptare critică a operei literare. Sarcina cu care se confruntă cercetătorul în demersul său este de a descoperi în ce măsură opera examinată capătă caracter normativ la nivelul unui grup de receptori care aderă la stilul, forma şi limbajul literar al autorului receptat. Franz Kafka şi Samuel Beckett se integrează în categoria scriitorilor emblematici ai modernităţii şi drept urmare am considerat că un stud...