1. If it's written material, _________________. draw it say it out loud write it down read it over and over 2. If it's spoken word material, _________________. say it out loud write it down draw it listen to it over and over 3. Writing it in ______________ is proven to help remember information. cursive symbols pictures print 4. _________________ to yourself about it. Talk Think 5. Is it beneficial to you to teach someone else what you know? Yes. No. 6. When reading, summarize _________________. in your head in a notebook in the margins to someone else 7. Getting some sleep can help you increase your mind's capacity to learn and avoid ______________. having to study boredom brain diseases like dementia hunger while studying sleep diseases like insomnia sleep diseases like flatulence 8. To improve your memory overnight, try to _________________ before you go to sleep. review what you learned that day get a drink of water have a snack re-read your textbook completely 9. It is proven that _______________ helps your mind work better by bringing more oxygen to the brain. playing a recording of the study material while you sleep licking your hand like a cat exercise studying all night 10. Teaching others helps with remembering information and also finding out __________________. what you need to relearn how good of a teacher you are your learning style your sign


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