You got 10 correct out of 10.
1. Which is not a common supermarket in England?
Primark is a discount clothing store.
2. Which supermarket is the cheapest for your food shopping?
Marks and Spencer
Aldi is a supermarket that is known for having budget prices. Waitrose and Marks and Spencer position themselves as the luxury/top-end supermarkets for buying food and therefore they are more expensive.
3. When you go shopping in the United Kingdom, it is important to bring your own ________ or else you will have to pay for one.
loyalty card
carrier bag
4. ________ food is available to buy in supermarkets. However, it is much more expensive than the supermarkets' own brand products.
Organic products have been grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals.
5. A common phrase you will hear if you use the self-checkout in a British supermarket is:
"Congratulations! Your shopping is free today!"
"Unexpected item in bagging area."
"Put back that onion you tried to steal!"
If you make a mistake when using the self-checkout, you may hear a recorded message that tells you to remove the last item you put in your bag. This message is played when the self-checkout weighs itself as being too heavy for the amount of items you have paid for.
6. What can you not generally buy at a corner shop?
lottery tickets
'Fags' is a slang term for cigarettes and 'booze' is a slang term for alcohol. In the corner shop, you will not be able to purchase clothes.
7. What advice does Jade give about shopping at a corner shop?
You should always check your change.
You should look out for BOGOF discounts.
You should buy everything there because the food is fresh.
In the video Jade told a story about her local corner shop in London which often short-changes its customers (doesn't give them the correct change back). She also told a story about the American tourists who bought many items at the same corner store, which is not advisable because it is much more expensive than the supermarket and the food is often stale.
8. What kind of store would you probably not find in the high street of an expensive neighbourhood?
health food shop
independent book store
pound shop
You will normally find pound shops in poorer neighbourhoods. In pound shops, everything costs one pound!
9. What shop would you probably not find in the high street of a poor neighbourhood?
fashion boutique
charity shop
betting shop
pawn shop
The word 'boutique' originally comes from French and is typically used to describe an independent store which sells expensive or luxury items. In general, poorer neighbourhoods do not have luxury stores such as fashion boutiques.
10. Which shop does not sell clothes?
TK Maxx
Gregg's is the only shop in the list that does not sell clothes because it is a bakers and sandwich shop. Tesco is most famous for being a food supermarket. However, in its larger stores it also sells clothes.
Zur Rezeption von Franz Kafka und Samuel Beckett in Rumänien
Receptarea lui Franz Kafka şi a lui Samuel Beckett în România Abstract Teoria receptării a înregistrat în ultimii ani o dezvoltare impresionantă, astfel încăt s-au putut trasa linii generale de descriere a unei direcţii de receptare în conformitate cu anumite tipologii estetice care marchează receptarea literară la nivel de receptor cult şi instruit. Acestea sunt premisele principale de la care porneşte cercetătorul în căutarea sa de modele şi modalităţi literare de receptare. S-a vorbit astfel de patologii de receptare, de estetica personajului şi nu în ultimul rănd de o receptare critică a operei literare. Sarcina cu care se confruntă cercetătorul în demersul său este de a descoperi în ce măsură opera examinată capătă caracter normativ la nivelul unui grup de receptori care aderă la stilul, forma şi limbajul literar al autorului receptat. Franz Kafka şi Samuel Beckett se integrează în categoria scriitorilor emblematici ai modernităţii şi drept urmare am considerat că un stud...