You got 10 correct out of 10.
1. The Barenaked Ladies are a Canadian band: In the Barenaked Ladies song, "If I Had A Million Dollars", the singer says "If I had a million dollars, I'd buy you a house." What does I'd mean?
I would
I will
I could
I should
I had
2. "If I had a million dollars, I'd ________ ________."
is rich
be rich
am rich
being rich
3. Listen to the U2 song "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For". Complete the following sentence: "I _________ _______ the highest mountains".
to climb
have climbed
have climb
4. In the U2 song, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", the singer says "I have kissed honey lips". Thinking about the grammar, when did this happen?
in the past
it's happening right now
in the future
5. In The Beatles' song "Yesterday", Paul McCartney sings about the past and present: "Yesterday, all my troubles ________ so far away."
have seemed
6. Paul McCartney continues: "Now it _______ as though they're here to stay."
is looking
had looked
7. The Canadian singer Michael Buble sings: "I just haven't met you yet."
What does this line mean?
He did not meet the girl of his dreams and never will.
He did not meet the girl of his dreams, but it may happen in the future.
He recently met the girl of his dreams.
8. In Marianne Faithful's song, "As Tears Go By", she sings about the present.
Complete the line: "I _______________ as tears go by."
sit and watch
sat and watched
am sitting and watching
was sitting and watching
9. If you want to practice questions with do and does, listen to Skeeter Davis's song "The End of The World". She sings "Why _____ the stars glow above?"
"stars" is plural, so we use "do"
10. The title of a Bruno Mars song is "I Should've Bought You Flowers". What does Bruno Mars mean when he sings "I should've bought you flowers"?
Bruno Mars will buy his girlfriend flowers.
In the past, Bruno Mars bought his girlfriend flowers.
In the past, Bruno Mars did not buy his girlfriend flowers. Now he regrets it.
In the present, Bruno Mars needs to buy his girlfriend flowers.
Zur Rezeption von Franz Kafka und Samuel Beckett in Rumänien
Receptarea lui Franz Kafka şi a lui Samuel Beckett în România Abstract Teoria receptării a înregistrat în ultimii ani o dezvoltare impresionantă, astfel încăt s-au putut trasa linii generale de descriere a unei direcţii de receptare în conformitate cu anumite tipologii estetice care marchează receptarea literară la nivel de receptor cult şi instruit. Acestea sunt premisele principale de la care porneşte cercetătorul în căutarea sa de modele şi modalităţi literare de receptare. S-a vorbit astfel de patologii de receptare, de estetica personajului şi nu în ultimul rănd de o receptare critică a operei literare. Sarcina cu care se confruntă cercetătorul în demersul său este de a descoperi în ce măsură opera examinată capătă caracter normativ la nivelul unui grup de receptori care aderă la stilul, forma şi limbajul literar al autorului receptat. Franz Kafka şi Samuel Beckett se integrează în categoria scriitorilor emblematici ai modernităţii şi drept urmare am considerat că un stud...