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Quiz Results for Mixed Hourly
Games : Mixed Hourly : Results
1. Which colour isn't one of those normally counted as the seven in the light spectrum?
Your answer: Pink
A beam of white light is made up of all the colours in the spectrum. Pink is not generally recognised as one of them, as stated in the acronym ROYGBIV. This happens when colours from both ends of the spectrum (red and violet) enter the eye at the same time. A new colour half way between red and violet is created. Taken from http://www.null-hypothesis.co.uk/science/strange-but-true/colour_spectrum_magenta_complimentary_bizarre
95% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player oblackhearto. I see an error - submit correction...
2. The mechanisation of the textiles industry in Great Britain in the 18th century sparked what period of change?
Your answer: The Industrial Revolution
Other factors that brought on the Industrial Revolution included advances in iron-production techniques, more use of refined coal, the development of canals for transport, better roads and railways, and, of course, the development of the steam engine.
91% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player rb6359. I see an error - submit correction...
3. Which typesetting language shares its name with rubbery tree sap and a type of paint?
Your answer: LaTeX
LaTeX is a typesetting markup language and not a WYSIWYG text editor, so the initial time investment to learn LaTeX is rather high. However, LaTeX is widely used for mathematical and scientific writing, since it formats special symbols and equations beautifully and efficiently.
89% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player pu2-ke-qi-ri. I see an error - submit correction...
4. Which of the following is NOT a US state capital?
Your answer: New York City
Despite being New York's most populous city, New York City is not its capital. Instead, the capital of New York is Albany. Phoenix is Arizona's state capital, Boston is Massachusetts' state capital, and Salt Lake City is the capital of Utah.
84% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player Spugsy. I see an error - submit correction...
5. Hannibal Lecter is a fictional character appearing in many movies to date including "Silence of the Lambs". What is his profession?
Your answer: Psychiatrist
Hannibal Lecter is a very gifted psychiatrist, except for his tendency to later kill and eat his victims. He was created by Thomas Harris in his books, and portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in an award-winning performance in "Silence of the Lambs"(1991).
90% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player dim_dude. I see an error - submit correction...
6. Who is the star of the science fiction film 'I, Robot' that is based on the book by Isaac Asimov?
Your answer: Will Smith
Will Smith portrays a police officer who is one of the very few people to be sceptical about the role of robots in everyday life. 'I, Robot' utilises the three laws of robotics devised by Isaac Asimov.
84% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player jonnowales. I see an error - submit correction...
7. What is the name of a brimmed straw hat and also a famous canal?
Your answer: Suez
The correct answer was Panama
Panama hats are of Ecuadorian origin and are plaited from the leaves of the toquilla straw plant. Their popularity grew in the 19th century, with the 49ers picking them up on visits to Panama. President Theodore Roosevelt famously wore one on visits to the Panama Canal building site.
96% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player rb6359. I see an error - submit correction...
8. The largest wasp species on Earth, this monster inhabits the mountains of Japan and much of Eastern Asia.
Your answer: Asian Giant Hornet
Measuring in with a body length of over 2 inches, the Asian Giant Hornet's stinger is 1/4 of an inch long. Aggressive and territorial, it secretes a chemical that attracts other wasps, and its venom includes a pain amplifier and another chemical that increases tissue damage in its victims.
88% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player asgardshill. I see an error - submit correction...
9. In the Tennyson poem, what word completes this quote. "In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of..." what?
Your answer: Love
The famous line comes from the poem 'Locksley Hall' which Tennyson wrote in 1835. It tells of a soldier who returns to a place where he spent his childhood, and of his thoughts while he is there.
91% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player MaggieG. I see an error - submit correction...
10. What did an Old West cowboy mean when he said someone had to study to be a half-wit?
Your answer: The person was stupid
"Quicker 'n you can spit 'n holler 'Howdy'" meant very fast. A crafty person was "weasel smart." A poor singer was "shy on melody, but strong on noise."
92% of FunTrivia players have answered this question correctly in the past.
Question by player deputygary. I see an error - submit correction...
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Questions correct: 9 / 10
You took 454 seconds to complete this quiz.
Total score: 300
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Zur Rezeption von Franz Kafka und Samuel Beckett in Rumänien
Receptarea lui Franz Kafka şi a lui Samuel Beckett în România Abstract Teoria receptării a înregistrat în ultimii ani o dezvoltare impresionantă, astfel încăt s-au putut trasa linii generale de descriere a unei direcţii de receptare în conformitate cu anumite tipologii estetice care marchează receptarea literară la nivel de receptor cult şi instruit. Acestea sunt premisele principale de la care porneşte cercetătorul în căutarea sa de modele şi modalităţi literare de receptare. S-a vorbit astfel de patologii de receptare, de estetica personajului şi nu în ultimul rănd de o receptare critică a operei literare. Sarcina cu care se confruntă cercetătorul în demersul său este de a descoperi în ce măsură opera examinată capătă caracter normativ la nivelul unui grup de receptori care aderă la stilul, forma şi limbajul literar al autorului receptat. Franz Kafka şi Samuel Beckett se integrează în categoria scriitorilor emblematici ai modernităţii şi drept urmare am considerat că un stud...