Some people know that they love poetry. And some people find it a little bit overwhelming, a little bit worrying. And maybe you fall into one camp, or you fall into the other. Or maybe you fall somewhere in between. But I hope that something that this course has given you is a sense of the value of studying poetry, what it can give you, how it can change the way you think and the way that you are. And also, I hope it's given you some ways into poetry through thinking about feelings and patterns and puzzles and the connections between these different ways of approaching poetry. It's not about cracking a code or solving a riddle.

It's about having an experience that causes us to reflect and think and enjoy the world in new ways. I'm hugely grateful to the students who've come and contributed to this course, who've given us their ideas about poetry and who've spoken so eloquently about what the subject English literature means to them and about what studying poetry has done for them. And I wish you all the very best of luck in your own careers as readers and writers of poetry.


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